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Blood Testing for Athletes: Improving Performance and Outsmarting the Competition

Is blood testing the new secret weapon? Elite athletes reveal how biomarker tests unlock peak performance, and how you can use this science to gain your own edge.

Diana Licalzi
By Diana Licalzi
Caitlin Snethlage
Edited by Caitlin Snethlage

Updated June 11, 2024.

Blood Testing for Athletes

In the pursuit of athletic excellence, every slight advantage can make a significant difference. Elite athletes understand that optimal performance is a holistic approach that considers nutrition, recovery, and deep insights into their body's unique needs.

Biomarker analysis has transformed how those at the top of their game fine-tune their dietetic regimens. We spoke to an Olympian, endurance athlete, and ultramarathon runner to learn how they use InsideTracker to optimize their health and performance.

» Learn how blood biomarkers can help optimize your training and give you a competitive edge

Sarah Hammer's journey to Olympic glory

US track cyclist Sarah Hammer spent years training and building her endurance. After her 2008 Summer Olympics results—a fifth-place finish and a DNF—she was determined to reach her full potential.

Sarah knew there was room for improvement. But the key wasn't just pushing her body harder—it was about looking inward. Through a blood analysis with InsideTracker, she discovered her vitamin D levels were severely depleted.

» Low T? Explore how Vitamin D might optimize your levels

Following our personalized recommendations, Sarah and her coach put in place a targeted strategy to optimize her vitamin D status. The results spoke for themselves. Her commitment paid off at the 2012 Olympics, where she secured two silver medals in track cycling.

» Discover why vitamin D is essential for everyone—not just athletes

A woman riding a bike on top of a track
Sarah Hammer is an accomplished track cyclist who won two silver medals at the 2012 Olympics.

The benefits of vitamin D for athletes

Vitamin D deficiency plagues athletes worldwide, with studies showing a surprising prevalence even among professionals. A 2016 study revealed that 32% of pro basketball players were deficient, and 47% had suboptimal levels. [1]

Studies suggest this nutrient increases the size and number of muscle fibers crucial for explosive power and speed. It also combines with calcium to strengthen bones, providing a solid foundation to withstand intense training. [2,3]

» Find out whether you're getting enough calcium

Inflammation is also a crucial factor in muscle recovery and overall health, and studies suggest vitamin D may significantly reduce it. A meta-analysis found supplementation lowered a critical inflammatory marker (CRP) by 20%. [4]

» Learn everything you need to know about vitamin D

Finally, a randomized control trial showed low vitamin D levels can decrease testosterone, especially in men. [5] This anabolic hormone produced in both sexes helps increase bone strength and stimulates muscle mass and strength.

» Check out these ways to naturally boost testosterone

Crystal Seaver beat fatigue resulting from low iron

Crystal Seager, an ultramarathoner who routinely runs 50 and 100-mile races, hit a wall after her last 100-miler. Unlike before, her body and mind just weren't bouncing back. Instead of guessing, she analyzed her bloodwork with InsideTracker before beginning another training cycle.

» Is inflammation affecting your training and recovery? Here's how to find out

The test revealed an iron deficiency, a common cause of fatigue in athletes. [6] Women are more susceptible to low stores due to menstruation, but you may also lose it through sweat, the physical stress of running, and occasional gastrointestinal bleeding that may happen after intense workouts.

Once you see it on paper, it becomes real. It also means you know what changes to make to feel like yourself again. For me, that meant changes to diet, more rest and less exercise, and letting my body fully recover. - Crystal Seaver
A woman running on a trail in the mountains.
Ultrarunner Crystal Seager overcame fatigue with blood testing insights.

» Fatigue can be debilitating. Check out how optimizing iron can help

The benefits of iron for athletes

Iron, a key component of hemoglobin in red blood cells (RBCs), transports oxygen throughout your body. When its levels drop, so do RBCs and hemoglobin. [7] You get less oxygen reaching your muscles and brain, lowering performance and impacting overall health. [8]

Here are some symptoms to watch out for:

  • Frequent injury
  • Weakened immune system
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Irritability
  • High exercise heart rate

How endurance athlete Kris Brown prevents overtraining

Aiming to conquer the Western States Endurance Run, a grueling 100-mile ultramarathon, Kris Brown knew he needed to optimize his training regimen. After battling low iron levels the previous year, he turned to InsideTracker for a comprehensive health analysis.

» Find out how to take iron supplements to maximize absorption

The results revealed elevated cortisol, a telltale sign of overtraining. The body's stress hormone, naturally rises in response to physical demands. But, chronically high levels due to excessive training can lead to chronic fatigue, impaired blood sugar control, and weight gain.

With this insight, Kris used InsideTracker's science-backed recommendations, including taking Ashwagandha root daily and consuming whey protein at night. These adjustments helped him train consistently, resulting in an incredible 10th-place finish at Western States 2018.

My test results from InsideTracker directly improved my performance by helping me identify and address my body's specific needs. Still, they also gave me the confidence boost of knowing that, aside from those minor, fixable issues, I was ready to train hard for the biggest race of my life. - Kris Brown
A man running up a hill with a cap and gloves on
Kris Brown optimized his training for Western States using blood testing.

» Recovery is essential for training. Check out CrossFitter Raphael "Rufio" Durand's approach to rest

The benefits of creatine for athletes

Cortisol isn't the only biomarker impacting recovery. Creatine kinase (CK) levels—an enzyme that rises during muscle damage—help athletes see how their bodies react to training load and intensity.

» Stressed out? Learn how cortisol and creatine kinase may be affecting you

Following intense exercise, CK levels typically peak within 2–4 days. Depending on the exercise intensity, they gradually return to normal (< 200 units) over a few days. However, studies on marathon runners show CK elevations persisting longer, taking 7–14 days post-race to recover fully. [9]

Knowing this information can help athletes by:

  • Gauging recovery: Elevated CK indicates muscle breakdown. Tracking CK post-exercise reveals recovery timeframes, allowing adjustments to training schedules. Faster normalization suggests better adaptation and potentially quicker return to intense training.
  • Identifying potential injury: Extremely high or persistent CK levels beyond expected recovery times could signal excessive muscle damage. This could result in muscle pain, weakness, and injury and seriously impact athletic performance.

InsideTracker personalizes your optimal CK range based on age, gender, ethnicity, and athletic activity. If your levels fall outside this range, you'll receive recommendations—like lifestyle changes or dietary tweaks—to bring them back into balance.

» Find out the relationship between sleep and your blood biomarkers

Athlete blood tests: A winning edge you can trust

InsideTracker empowers athletes of all levels to achieve their best. Using cutting-edge science and personalized insights, it bridges the gap between unique biochemistry and optimal training. This is a proven method for maximizing efforts and reaching full potential.

Unlike doping methods that exploit loopholes, InsideTracker offers a legal and ethical way to gain an edge. The secret lies in personalized blood analysis with optimal zones. These aren't generic ranges but dynamic targets based on your age, gender, activity level, lifestyle, and performance goals.

Their sophisticated algorithm analyzes the latest research to establish these personal zones for each marker. For instance, a typical female ferritin level might be 12–150 ng/dL. But, InsideTracker recommends a 40–150 ng/dL zone for an active woman in her 20s for optimal performance.

If you fall outside your zone, InsideTracker provides actionable solutions. It recommends simple, effective interventions tailored to your needs, including dietary adjustments, targeted supplements, and training modifications.

Disclaimer: InsideTracker doesn't diagnose or treat medical conditions. Consult your physician if you have any health concerns.

» Discover how to use blood testing to get the most out of your training and recovery and crush your performance goal


  1. M. P. Fishman, S. J. Lombardo, and F. D. Kharrazi, “Vitamin D deficiency among professional basketball players,” Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 4, no. 7, p. 232596711665574, Jul. 2016, doi: 10.1177/2325967116655742. Available:
  2. D. T. Dahlquist, B. P. Dieter, and M. S. Koehle, “Plausible ergogenic effects of vitamin D on athletic performance and recovery,” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, vol. 12, no. 1, Oct. 2015, doi: 10.1186/s12970-015-0093-8. Available:
  3. B. Hamilton, “Vitamin D and athletic performance: The potential role of muscle,” Asian Journal of Sports Medicine./Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 2, no. 4, Dec. 2011, doi: 10.5812/asjsm.34736. Available:
  4. N. Chen, Z. Wan, S.-F. Han, B.-Y. Li, Z.-L. Zhang, and L.-Q. Qin, “Effect of vitamin D supplementation on the level of circulating High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials,” Nutrients, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 2206–2216, Jun. 2014, doi: 10.3390/nu6062206. Available:
  5. K. Nimptsch, E. A. Platz, W. C. Willett, and E. Giovannucci, “Association between plasma 25-OH vitamin D and testosterone levels in men,” Clinical Endocrinology, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 106–112, Jun. 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2012.04332.x. Available:
  6. A. J. Friedman et al., “Iron deficiency anemia in women across the life span,” Journal of Women’s Health, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 1282–1289, Dec. 2012, doi: 10.1089/jwh.2012.3713. Available:
  7. “Iron deficiency anemia - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic,” Mayo Clinic, Jan. 04, 2022. Available:
  8. S. L. Volpe, “Iron and athletic performance,” ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 31–33, Sep. 2010, doi: 10.1249/fit.0b013e3181ed5968. Available:
  9. “Creatine kinase elevations in marathon runners: relationship to training and competition,” PubMed, Aug. 01, 1980. Available: